Life Support: Inspiration. Recipes. Lists.


All you need for baby is love and a strappy thing.

When it came to buying the essential baby items, I found the list to be really, really long.  There is so much gear that Babies R Us thinks baby needs.  Bouncy seats, swings, strollers, pack and plays, those things that you put baby in with the overload of sensory toys, etc.  I have found that all you really need is something to strap baby on to you (okay and maybe diapers).  That's where she wants to be. All of those other things are made to make baby forget that she isn't being held.  Finley loves, loves, loves this carrier and so do I.  I can snuggle with her and have my hands free to work around the house.  


  1. First of all you look AWESOME!!! So cute wearing your little Finley Rose :) I love my wrap too- really don't need all those other gadgets. Glad you learned that the first time around!

  2. Thanks Marissa! That baby weight is slowly going away...however I am not sure if my jeans will ever button again. Oh well, I actually don't care, fact is as long as I am wearing Fin no one notices anything else but her. :)
