Life Support: Inspiration. Recipes. Lists.



Kairos time: "It’s time outside of time. It’s metaphysical time. Kairos is those magical moments in which time stands still. I have a few of those moments each day, 
and I cherish them."  -Glennon from Momastery

 This morning Finley had something on her face, so I used my thumb to gently wipe it off. A few minutes later as I was telling Brian good-bye he said, "hold still" and gently wiped something off my face. I laughed and told him, "I just did the same thing to Fin."  He said, "Well that's what families do, they take care of each other."

Sun day on Saturday.

It's been a rainy summer, matter of fact it's raining right now.  I don't mind the rain, it keeps my flowers alive, but every once in awhile we all need a little fresh air. Luckily, the sun decided to make a brief appearance over the weekend and after doing a quick spin around outside to make sure there weren't any dark clouds looming, we grabbed our blanket, baby, and umbrella and went to the park.  We sat barefoot with our feet in the grass, under a shady oak tree, and listen to live music playing in the background. It was all kinds of perfect.


This fish.

Every morning he greets me. He's always there at the top of the stairs. This fish.  He's a fish out of water.  He's a fish far from his pond. Something about him makes me smile and reminds me not to take life too seriously. It's like we both know we are each where we need to be, this fish, this fish and me. 


Letters to Finley: 4 months

You are 13 lbs of giggly, drooley, cuddly, sweet baby.  Your personality is starting to shine though. You are very curious and love new environments, especially Kroger.  Your dad carries you where ever we go. He faces you out so you can see the world. You smile at everyone and your happy noises are getting louder and louder, they often come in the forms of screams and squeals, sometimes so high pitch it turns from a squeal into a gurgley hiss. I think it's the cutest thing ever. You love to sit up, we prop you up with pillows or put you in your bumbo seat.  If your on the ground you are rolling.  At first you didn't really like to be on your tummy, but you loved to roll.  You would roll to your tummy and throw a fit. I would put you back on your back and you would immediately roll to your tummy again.  Funny stuff. Now you love tummy time and can roll from your tummy back on to your back.  You are a much happier baby now that you can roll and play.  YOU SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT! You put yourself to sleep around 8:30pm and wake up promptly at 5:30am, I can't seem to convince you that 6:30am is so much better than 5:30am...
You are a great eater!  Your dad and I gave you rice cereal for the first time and you loved it so much. We couldn't get it in your mouth fast enough, you tried to grab the spoon and take over.   You are getting so big, ahhh, stay four months forever?


My inner gymnast vs. my inner hurdler.

The Olympics has me thinking about my inner gymnast vs. my inner hurdler.
Don’t laugh, but as long as I can remember I have always had this visual in my head that goes along with the feeling of a job well done, an accomplishment reached, a goal achieved.  Instead of patting myself on the back (who does that), I always picture myself as a gymnast (I can’t believe I am sharing this with you).  A gymnast dressed in a sparkly leotard, running fast, doing a triple-super-duper-mega-loopy- loop twist-flip-spin super high up in the air and sticking the landing. Then just for dramtic effect I hold that landing for two seconds and when I’m ready and steady, my hands fly up, cameras flash, crowd goes wild. Yep. That’s how it goes. Feels great every time.
I haven’t had too many of those moments lately.  My internal gymnast has turned into a hurdler and not a good one. My hurdles this month have felt more like mountains and I am not leaping over them Olympic style, instead I am crashing and burning over most. But what can you expect, I am trying to jump them in heels and a skirt, with a baby in my arms.  Too exhausted to run, I just stand in front of most lifting one leg over at a time. Others, I’m just being shoved through and as soon as I get past one BAM! there’s another.  Just when I think I can’t do it again, I take a breath, sing that pesky song I learned in elementary school, you know the one, “can’t go under it, can’t go over it, got go through it."  Through it. Gotta live through it. So instead of leaping, soaring over, I just have been plowing through.  It’s not pretty, my performance certainly will not win me any medals, but some how I'm doing it, I'm still in the race. 
I have been back at work for one month.  My goal when I first returned was to make it through the first month, before I had a self “check-in” to re-evaluate my decision to be a working mom. I gave myself time to be miserable, to adjust, and to find out how strong I really am. So here I am a month later looking back at some of those brutal hurdles, battle wounds still a little fresh, out of breath, exhausted, but stronger.  I’m not just an anxiety attack in a dress anymore, it’s getting better, it’s getting easier.  It feels right, it’s hard, but sometimes the most worthwhile things are. I say keep those hurdles coming universe! Because the more I practice I get, the sooner I’ll be jumping high and sailing through, heels, dress, baby and all!


Letters to Finley: Stand on the side of Love.

I don't know how long it will take, but I am sure that by the time you are able to read and understand this, the issue of who can love who will be history and you will probably find it hard to imagine that there was so much hate spewed over the topic of love.

We are so lucky to live in a country where you get to be yourself, it is a freedom denied to many.  With freedom comes passion. Passion to practice your beliefs, speak your mind, voice your opinions.  This is all good stuff! But there is a second part, the second part is we ALL have the right to be ourselves and we have the right to do, to believe, to carry on as we wish, AS LONG AS, it doesn't affect someone else’s right, to do, to believe, to carry on as they wish.  It's that simple, but you wouldn't believe how many people forget that second part.  So my wish for you is whatever the issue is, be open, listen to all opinions with your ears, your heart and your head. Look at it from both sides, all sides, stand on your head if you have to and look at it upside down.  Then choose for yourself what is right, what is fair, find the answer that promotes love and doesn't discriminate, or take away someone else's rights.
 I hope you find yourself on the side of love,
I hope you promote it, defend it, and live it.