*Little late on this one, but technically she is still six months....

I still have those moments, those moments where I just sit
and stare at you and can’t believe that you are really mine. I have enjoyed every minute of being your
mom, every. single. one. My favorite time of day is when I get to go pick you up from daycare. You give me the biggest smiles and even
though you don’t quite understand hugs, you reach for my cheeks, grab my hair and
rub your slobbery, gummy, smile all over my face. It’s the best.You started to say MaMa Mamama MamaMAAMAMAma mamaMa, so far it only comes in the form of a whine and really isn't necessarily directed at me, but it is my favorite sound in the whole world, I have never heard anything sweeter in my life.You love people. You smile with your mouth wide open at everyone you meet, making them feel extra special.You are sitting up independently, although you prefer to stand and now that you have discovered sitting and standing with assistance, you have declared that tummy time is for the birds. You want to be up, you want to be moving, and you prefer for someone to dance and sing to you at all times.You are a busy bee always reaching, twisting, talking, giggling and bouncing. You resist sleep, (just like your dad) and literally collapse in my arms at the end of the day.
So many of my smiles belong to you.
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