Life Support: Inspiration. Recipes. Lists.

Why I Write

And so it begins...

I used to keep journals, pages and pages that served as a place to store my thoughts, frustrations, dreams and endless ideas. I cherish those scribbled memories and I love looking back on them to remember who I am and where I came from.

The past ten years has been one adventure after another. I have been going so fast that I forgot the importance of pausing to write it down or take a picture. All I have are fuzzy snapshots of drifting memories. I am determined to capture the next chapter of my life, our life into something visual and tangible. I am actually standing on a chair with my hand over my heart pledging/shouting to the universe that I will take on the task of recording all the big things, the little things, and most importantly the things that I do not want to forget!

Here is the disclaimer: I am creative person. Which means rules of grammar and spelling often do not apply to me. I am giving myself permission to not be perfect and to just write, so sorry if you are a grammar guru, but this blog isn’t about beautiful language and sentence structures it is about our messy thrilling life and perfect it is not.

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