One of my favorite quotes/life mantras is, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." I am naturally a shy person, but I realized long ago that I had two options. I could live in a safe, but boring bubble of familiarity and dullness, or I could live a much more exciting life, by taking chances and putting myself in situations where I am forced to grow and connect. I am shy, but I have a passion for adventure. I love people and I love hearing their stories.I am a great listener, but not always too great at sharing my own stories. I prefer to listen, which is good, because I have found that most people prefer to talk. However, on occasion I have to take the lead. I like being in charge, although sometimes I get intimidated, unsure, insecure. Want to know how I deal with the awkward, uncomfortable feeling I get every time I put myself in a situation that scares me? I tell myself, "this is your chance to practice, practice this thing, this thing that you wish you did better. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to try. The more experience you gain, the easier it will be next time. You don't have to be anyone other than you. You are enough."
That statement has magical powers. Try it.
I like it!