For her tiny toes. Her little nose. Her chubby cheeks. Her big bright eyes. Her long eye lashes. Her laugh. Her hand wrapped around our fingers. Her endless babble and slobbery grin. Her tiny tooth. Her sweet milky breath and her baby fresh smell. Her curiousness, her stubbornness, her cheerfulness. Her cuddles, her tears. Her ability to light up our day, everyday. We are a thousand times thankful for her.

We had a quiet Thanksgiving just the three of us. I made french toast and bacon for breakfast and then we watched the Macy's Day parade snuggled on the couch with quilts, coffee and a ba (bottle). We took a walk to the park so Fin could swing. That girl loves to swing! Then I cooked a traditional Thanksgiving dinner: green bean casserole (my specialty), mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce (from the can, best kind right!?), pumpkin pie and of course turkey (pre-ordered and delivered, maybe next year I'll tackle the bird....) It was a little strange not to be home surrounded by family, but I was proud of us for taking the time to celebrate, to start traditions, and to give thanks.
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