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Letters to Finley: 4 months

You are 13 lbs of giggly, drooley, cuddly, sweet baby.  Your personality is starting to shine though. You are very curious and love new environments, especially Kroger.  Your dad carries you where ever we go. He faces you out so you can see the world. You smile at everyone and your happy noises are getting louder and louder, they often come in the forms of screams and squeals, sometimes so high pitch it turns from a squeal into a gurgley hiss. I think it's the cutest thing ever. You love to sit up, we prop you up with pillows or put you in your bumbo seat.  If your on the ground you are rolling.  At first you didn't really like to be on your tummy, but you loved to roll.  You would roll to your tummy and throw a fit. I would put you back on your back and you would immediately roll to your tummy again.  Funny stuff. Now you love tummy time and can roll from your tummy back on to your back.  You are a much happier baby now that you can roll and play.  YOU SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT! You put yourself to sleep around 8:30pm and wake up promptly at 5:30am, I can't seem to convince you that 6:30am is so much better than 5:30am...
You are a great eater!  Your dad and I gave you rice cereal for the first time and you loved it so much. We couldn't get it in your mouth fast enough, you tried to grab the spoon and take over.   You are getting so big, ahhh, stay four months forever?


  1. What a sweet girl she is!!!! And so beautiful. She needs to talk to Lyla about sleeping through the night... any tips you'd like to share?? Beautiful pictures too!!! I see you are doing great with your new camera!!

  2. Thanks Marissa! Finley doesn't sleep much during the day, she is just to busy and curious, maybe that's why she is so tired at night. She also sleeps in her own room with a sleep machine that sounds like the ocean. *Shrug, I'm not sure what convinced her to sleep through the night, but I must say it's awesome! :)

    I love my new lens and I took a photography class, which was a huge help. Now I just need to practice more! I'm still working on getting the pictures in focus every time, there are a few above that are a little blurry. Photography is so addicting, I absolutely love it!

  3. I'm going to try the sound machine. Lyla has been waking up every hour the past few night. GRRR!! Maybe I should also start limiting her naps? I dunno. Babies are all so different it takes a while to figure out what works for each one. Mine just always like to keep me guessing!

    The photo of Fin laying down on her tummy on the gray and white stripes eating her hands and smiling needs to be blown up big. LOVE that one. (4th one down)
