Life Support: Inspiration. Recipes. Lists.


Letter To Finley: This is your song

A month or so before you were born this song came on the radio.  I knew right away this was your song. It is a song about waiting, hoping, dreaming and believing. One day your daddy and I were riding in the car together and it came on.  I told him that this was your song.  He listened to the words and said that it made him sad. Dad thinks crying means you're sad and I told him sometimes crying means your very, very happy.  That song makes me cry every time I hear it because I am very,very happy.


<3 Dates.
Brian Ylisto
Amber Robertson
Our Wedding Day
Finley Ylisto
What a difference a day makes.


Little Squishy


"I shall call her my squishy 
and she shall be mine,
and you shall be my little squishy!"
~Leslie Wisniewski

I like to have a plan.  I guess you could call me a planner.  All planners know that one of the most important parts to a plan is a back up plan. My plan was to be a mom to a baby, preferably to a baby human. My baby back up plan was to be a mom to a baby Boston Terrier (cutest dogs ever!?)  If I couldn't have a human baby then I figured a furry friend would be the next best thing... BUT even BETTER than a real life human baby or a Boston Terrier is a real life human baby in a Boston Terrier onesie! 

Made just for you by Leslie. Thanks Leslie!


Proof. You are one happy newborn. 
Maybe the happiest newborn ever?


Letters to Finley: 4 AM.

Every night you wake up around 4 a.m. You don't cry much, just fuss enough to let me know that you are ready to eat.  At first getting up in the middle of the night was a little bit of a challenge. The first few weeks after you were born felt more like one really long day with a few night time naps here and there.  Sleep has always been way up there on my list of favorite things, but it's funny how you have changed that. I like getting up with you. It's strange being up in the middle of the night, everything looks and sounds different. The house is dark and quiet and daddy and the kitties are sound asleep. When I pick you up out of your crib you are still really sleepy. I give you a thousand kisses and you open your eyes big and wide.  As you nurse you look right at me and hold onto my finger with your tiny hand. I love it. It is my favorite time with you. There are no distractions,there is no where else to be, there is nothing in the world to do, except sit and rock you.


Letters to Finley. That Guy.

That guy loves you so much.  You are so lucky, not only do you have a daddy that is more handsome than most daddies, he loves taking care of you. He makes up the craziest songs and sings them to you, he dances with you, changes you, and gives you baths. He clips your finger nails because I am too scared.  For some reason when you are with daddy you prefer to be held away from his body in a sitting position.  It is very hard to hold you like that for a long time, but daddy is strong and he does it because it makes you happy.Your daddy works so hard everyday and then comes home and the first thing he wants to do is spend time with his girl. There is nothing this guy wouldn't do for you. He is your dad, the best dad a girl could have. 


Fin 6 Weeks

Me: Fin can you smile for Momma? Smile for momma?
Where's that pretty smile?

And this is what she gave me.

Pressure of Perfection:

Ever since Finley was born I have had this overwhelming feeling of trying to capture and document everything  perfectly.  Perfectly is where I am getting hung up and is causing this crazy, no good, unnecessary anxiety. I am so inspired by other beautiful blogs, but that inspiration turns to frustration when I realize I don't always have the skills to match my vision.  I am a visual person and I look at everything in my life as a blank canvas. Everything.  I can't just do I have to do perfectly and when I can't get it perfect I get discouraged and frustrated (cue crazy,no good, unnecessary anxiety). I want gorgeous pictures to go along with all of the wonderful daily happenings, but I am a total beginner when it comes to photography. I am learning as fast as I can, but as I learn I feel like time is slipping away and well Finley isn't always in the most photogenic moods....

I think the real root of this feeling though is that I am just scared.  I am scared that I might only be able to live this dream once and that it is going to go too fast.  She will only be little for so long and I want to make sure that I capture every moment, since this minute, hour, day won't last.  Not sure how to shake this feeling....but here is what I think will help.  I make lots of rules for myself and one of the rules that I made up was that each blog post had to have a picture.  While I still think pictures are super important for preserving memories, so are words.  I am going to try to post everyday, even if it is only one sentence and even if there isn't a picture to go along.  I know a year from now I will appreciate reading about our time together.  I know I will post more if the pressure is off for each post to be perfect.

Deep breath.  Here's what I have concluded. Time is going to go on as it always has, Fin is going to grow, but instead of dreading, worrying and stressing about it, I am going to enjoy each minute and record each day right here.


Julia Child Marriage Quote on Canvas
5 Years

10 years ago this week we met. 
5 years ago this day we got married. 
5 weeks 6 days ago we became parents. 
And 5 minutes ago we had cookies and coffee on the couch for breakfast. 
♥ Happy Anniversary.


Fin doing a morning jig.

I think she gets her moves (and sense of rhythm) from me. 


All you need for baby is love and a strappy thing.

When it came to buying the essential baby items, I found the list to be really, really long.  There is so much gear that Babies R Us thinks baby needs.  Bouncy seats, swings, strollers, pack and plays, those things that you put baby in with the overload of sensory toys, etc.  I have found that all you really need is something to strap baby on to you (okay and maybe diapers).  That's where she wants to be. All of those other things are made to make baby forget that she isn't being held.  Finley loves, loves, loves this carrier and so do I.  I can snuggle with her and have my hands free to work around the house.  


Letters To Finley: Mother's Day

There was a time when I wasn't sure if I would get to be a mom and now I can't believe I get to be your mom.  I am so dang lucky. I promise I will do my best.  We had a very sweet mother's day.  Daddy brought us Dunkin Donuts and an orchid.  We went to the park at lunch and had a picnic.  It was a great day!


Letters to Finley:  1 month old. 


We love everything about you.
  • You have so many facial expressions.  You smile all the time.  You have the cutest dimples! People love to tell me that your smiles are "from gas", but I prefer to think that you are just a happy girl.
  • You are so alert. You didn't sleep the whole first night you were born and even now you prefer to sleep with your eyes half open.  
  • When you do sleep we call you The Frog Princess because you squish up into a frog position.  You love sleeping on my chest or in the wrap.  The wrap is perfect for a Frog Princess.
  • When you are awake you love to kick your feet and move your hands. Daddy loves to play with you and you respond with smiles and lots of wiggles.
  • You love having you diaper changed and prefer to be naked.
  • You love taking baths, you love the warm water.
  • You have two different cries, one says feed me now please (usually without the please) and the other is a funny high pitch squealy one that says hold me please (usually without the please).
  • You are incredibly patient as we learn how to be a mommy and daddy.  You sometimes give me a funny look like "Do you know what you doing mommy? Who left you in charge?" 
  • You snore.
  • You love to look at the pictures above the couch.  When ever you're fussy we show them to you and your eyes get so big.
  • You are perfect.  You are beautiful. You are smart and we love you.