It's ten o'clock, you are asleep next to me on the couch and I am trying to figure out how to put into words the essence of you, your sweetness, your, spunk your carefree charisma. You like to stay up late, well later than most babies, you like to sleep late too. You are just awesome like that. On the weekends your dad likes to get up early, (because he's weird like that) but you and I, we sleep in. You had such a big month full of milestones! I don't even know where to start. You do not have to wear your helmet anymore and your noggin' looks great! Your hair has grown a lot! I like to comb it into a mini mo-hawk It's the cutest thing ever! You have two little teeth, I adore them. I have started letting you try foods other than just baby food, so far pizza crust and applesauce are your favorite, but I haven't found anything yet that you won't eat. You went from army crawling to crawling, crawling! You are always on the move. Always. You are a very independent, determined, baby and are already transitioning from crawling to pulling up and cruising. I am scared to blink, because I don't want to miss your first steps. You are growing so fast, too fast. I had to lower your crib, because now you love to stand straight up and hold onto the rail. It is so exciting to watch you grow, but the weird thing is, even though you are right her with me, I sometimes miss you, the littler you. I sometimes think back to how small and squishy you were when we brought you home and how you would sleep scrunched up on my chest in a frog position. The thing is I wouldn't trade now for then or then for now, I am sure all moms know what I mean and you will too someday. You will always be my baby and I'll always be your momma.